1.  What is Log Cabin Republicans of Austin?

Log Cabin Republicans of Austin, or LCR-Austin, are LGBT conservatives and allies who support fairness, freedom, and equality for all Americans.   We are a part of Log Cabin Republicans, the original and largest organization of LGBT Republicans in the United States.  Log Cabin Republicans has a full-time staff in Washington, DC, a federal political action committee, and state political action committees.

2.  What does Log Cabin Republicans of Austin believe in?

We are loyal Republicans. We believe in limited government, strong national defense, free markets, low taxes, personal responsibility, and individual liberty. Log Cabin Republicans represents an important part of the American family—taxpaying, hard working people who proudly believe in this nation’s greatness. We also believe all Americans have the right to liberty and equality. We believe equality for LGBT Americans is in the finest tradition of the Republican Party. We educate our Party about why inclusion wins. Opposing LGBT equality is inconsistent with the GOP’s core principles of smaller government and personal freedom.

Log Cabin Republicans work to make the Republican Party more inclusive, particularly on LGBT issues. Equality will be impossible to achieve without Republican votes. Working from inside the Party—educating other Republicans about LGBT issues—is the most effective way to gain new Republican allies for equality. Log Cabin also exists as a voice for GOP values among members of the LGBT community.

3.  What does the name “Log Cabin” mean?

Our name is an homage to the greatest Republican our nation has ever seen, Abraham Lincoln.  Lincoln, and by proxy the idea of equality in our country, was born in a Log Cabin in Kentucky.

4.  Does Log Cabin Republicans have other Texas chapters outside of Austin?

Yes!  We have active chapters in Dallas and Houston.  In addition, we have a statewide organization, Log Cabin Republicans of Texas, which is governed by a Board of Directors featuring members of each local chapter.  For more information on the local chapters, please visit http://logcabintexas.us/existing-chapters

5.  How can I become a member of Log Cabin Republicans of Austin?

Go to http://logcabinaustin.us/become-a-member to become a member of Log Cabin Republicans of Austin.

6.  What do members of Log Cabin Republicans of Austin do?

Being a member of LCR-Austin allows for many opportunities to become involved in local politics.  Our chapter typically has one local meeting per month.  The local meetings allow members to socialize and discuss politics, and most meetings also feature a guest speaker.  Members are also encouraged to participate in community outreach events, such as Austin Pride, and political events, such as lobby days and the Texas GOP convention.

7.  I’m straight.  Can I still become a member?

The short answer: YES!

The long answer:  Log Cabin Republicans does not discriminate against anyone or for any reason, and that includes discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.  We do not believe that your heterosexuality is a choice, and we will love and accept you for who you are.  No amount of therapy will repair or cure you of your heterosexuality, nor is your heterosexuality something that needs to be cured or repaired.

Moreover, our straight members are extremely valuable to us.  We need the support of our straight allies.  Change happens when everyone, regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity, speaks up in favor of equality.  LGBT equality isn’t simply an LGBT issue; it’s a Human Rights issue.  When straight allies show their support to Log Cabin, it sends a clear message to lawmakers that their stance on LGBT rights can win or lose votes within the community as a whole.

8.  Does Log Cabin Republicans of Austin have any allies with the party?

Yes.  Young Republicans and the Republican Liberty Caucus are two of our strongest allies.  We also have allies within the Texas Federation of Republican Women, College Republicans, and High School Republicans.


Any other questions?  Please e-mail our President, Michael Cargill, at president@logcabinaustin.us